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A watch folder allows to automatically start productions using a preset, whenever new files appear on the selected external service. Metadata, chapter marks, and cover images will be imported from input files.
Watch folders can be used to set up automatic post processing workflows, similar to Zapier, without any coding or API scripting.

Photo by Colin Lloyd.

How it Works

Let's take Dropbox, for example. While you can add Dropbox as an external service to Auphonic and process files from your Dropbox on demand, a watch folder monitors your Dropbox and, as soon as you ...

Zapier is a tool that allows users to connect and automate services without any coding.
So far, if you wanted to start a new Auphonic production or retrieve the results of a finished production, you had to login to the Auphonic website, connect with one of our external services, or know how to code and use the Auphonic API.
With Zapier, in just a few clicks, you can set up your email account, a Dropbox watch folder, your podcast host, your Twitter account and many more web-based services to interact with Auphonic.

For example, it’s possible to ...

When producing a show on a regular basis, it's time consuming to add an intro or outro file to every episode again and again.
With Auphonic you can automate the whole workflow: you create intro/outro files only once and we automatically add it to every new production.

Use Intros/Outros with Presets

You can automatically add an intro and outro to any Auphonic production (see screenshot above), this works for singletrack and multitrack productions.
As intros/outros are intended to be used multiple times, they are only loudness normalized to match the loudness of your production without further Auphonic processing (no leveling, ...