Archives February 2013

Finally we found some time to collect a few listening examples for our audio algorithms – thanks to all the people who provided audio files!
Everything is processed automatically and you can try Auphonic yourself with the unprocessed files and will get the same results.

The official Auphonic Audio Example page is here: Audio Examples.
We will extend this page with further examples, so let us know if you have some great ones!

Listen to the following examples with headphones to hear all details.

Global Loudness Normalization

Our Global Loudness Normalization Algorithms calculate the loudness of your audio and ...

Getting started with podcasting can be a laborious process, because it costs time to produce and money to host a podcast.

At Auphonic, we are constantly trying to make this process simpler and cheaper, not just through our own free automatic audio post production web service, but also by offering tight integration with various third-party services.

In this article, we will show you how to set up a podcast in a few minutes for free. The final solution includes a blog with a feed from which your listener's can directly access your audio and video files, all hosted on ...

In case you have not noticed already, Auphonic now supports Amazon S3 and as external services., also known as the 'Internet Archive', is a great service for publicly hosting audio and video files for free. Amazon S3, on the other hand, provides both free and affordable services for public or private file storage, featuring better download speeds and high durability. S3 also interfaces with Glacier, Amazon's cheap solution for long-term archiving and backups of data that does not require rapid access.

Similarly to our support for Dropbox, YouTube, Soundcloud, Libsyn, and ...

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