Archives July 2022

All the users of Auphonic and Hindenburg – rejoice! We are glad to announce that Hindenburg and Auphonic can now be connected, making your audio editing and post-production process much more straightforward.

Now you do not have to worry any more about manual downloads from Hindenburg and uploads to Auphonic. The new integration allows you to run the production that you edit in Hindenburg through Auphonic algorithms and apply all the audio post-production in just one click: you now can seamlessly transfer the audio file from Hindenburg to Auphonic for further post-production. This step is carried out in ...

A watch folder allows to automatically start productions using a preset, whenever new files appear on the selected external service. Metadata, chapter marks, and cover images will be imported from input files.
Watch folders can be used to set up automatic post processing workflows, similar to Zapier, without any coding or API scripting.

Photo by Colin Lloyd.

How it Works

Let's take Dropbox, for example. While you can add Dropbox as an external service to Auphonic and process files from your Dropbox on demand, a watch folder monitors your Dropbox and, as soon as you ...

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